
One Day Passes Online Application Form

Agreement Terms and Conditions

I do hereby request that I, or the Farm Guest that I am the parent or guardian of, be allowed to ride and/or train horses and ponies and/or instruct others, on or about the property owned by Carlette Farms, LLC and on lands adjacent thereto, and do each and everything necessary pertaining to such riding, including care of stock, grooming, handling, tacking, etc.

I understand that horseback riding involves risk of injury from falling, the behavior of the animals, ground hazards (natural and otherwise) and other risks. I accept those risks and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Carlette Farms, LLC and it's agents, owners, volunteers, employees, boarders, clients and adjacent land owners for any claims for damages to my person, or the Farm Guest that I am the parent or guardian of, the horse(s), or the property.

I understand that this means I will not seek to hold Carlette Farms, LLC responsible for any injuries I, or the Farm Guest that I am the parent or guardian of, sustain as a result of these activities.

I agree that I, or the Farm Guest that I am the parent or guardian of, will use protective headgear including a chinstrap, which shall be fastened.

I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the above named, their agents, owners, volunteers, employees, boarders, clients and adjacent landowners from any and all claims from injuries and/or damage to the person or property of any third party or parties resulting from the participation in the above activities.

I also agree that the above named, their agents, owners, volunteers, employees, boarders, clients and adjacent landowners are not responsible for any or all losses due to fire or theft, and I agree to indemnify and hold harmless each and all of the above for any claims arising there from.

I acknowledge that I, or the Farm Guest that I am the parent or guardian of, understands the rules of riding safety and that I, or the Farm Guest that I am the parent or guardian of, agree to abide by those rules.

I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Release and Waiver of Liability, understand it's contents and sign it as my own free act.

I hereby warrant that I am eighteen (18) years old or more and competent to contract in my own name or, that I am an adult authorized to act on behalf of the juvenile Farm Guest listed, and signing as the parent or guardian of said Farm Guest. This release is binding on me and my heirs, assignees and personal representatives.

Day Use Membership


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